General knowledge

What is Keyword?
This is the words that people use to search in Search Engines Like Google, Yahoo, Bing and what ever  Search Engines they use.

How Search Engine works?
Every time Search Engines watching over internet whenever a new page on internet  appears Search Engines read's full page and remember them in Search Engines world it known as (Indexin Pages) main Keywords from page what ever it is a Blog or a full Website. when someone search for a need and enter that key word a link for that page appears that's how Search Engine works.

How Search Engine show pages for a Keyword?
When someone search's for a keyword Search Engine look's over on his index pages and show on top the more relevant pages and those pages which has that keyword what someone looking for. 

About Keywords 

what is Global Monthly Searches?
The numbers you are watching under Global Monthly Searches are those best 15 which most searched in one(1) single month.

What is Estimated Avg. CPC?
It is the amount of money that you can get almost in one or near about one or two clicks it's useful stuff for AdSense Publishers.
